Club Bylaws for AMS Pre-Law Association @ UBC 

Bylaw 1: Name 

Clubs constituted after January 2018 are required to follow the naming convention, “AMS [club name] at UBC”.  The name of this AMS Club shall be AMS Pre-Law Association @ UBC. 

Bylaw 2: Club Purpose 

The purpose(s) of this AMS Club shall be: 

  1. To help members discover the opportunities within, and benefits of, the legal profession; 2. To familiarize members with the process of entering law school; 
  2. To provide members with relevant resources and knowledge; 
  3. To provide members with an opportunity to build relationships with legal professionals, law  students, and fellow Pre-Law Association members; 
  4. To achieve all of these goals in a supportive, inclusive, and open-minded environment. 

Bylaw 3: Executives 

All AMS Clubs are required to at least have a President and Treasurer as their Executives. Add or remove rows below as needed. The Executives of this AMS Club shall be elected annually and shall be as follows: 

  1. President (1-2) 
  2. Vice President (a vice president may be elected in lieu of a second president, if only one  president has been elected) 
  3. Treasurer (Vice President Finance) 
  4. Secretary (Vice President Internal) 
  5. Vice President External 
  6. Vice President Sponsorship 
  7. Vice President Events (2)
  8. Vice Presidents of Marketing (2) 
  9. Vice President of Fundraising  
  10. Executive Assistants (1-3) 

Bylaw 4: Executive Duties 

The duties of each Executive shall be as follows: 


  1. Host the bi-weekly meetings of the Executive Committee;
  2. Join AMS CampusBase; 
  3. Attend and successfully complete an annual executive orientation at the end of every  academic year in order for this AMS Club to seek renewal; 
  4. Act as the main point of contact to the AMS Administration Team; 
  5. Calling a General Meeting; 
  6. Oversee all the general operations of this AMS Club; 
  7. Ensure that the established bylaws and additional policies (if applicable) of this AMS  Club are properly implemented; 
  8. Act as one of two Booking Representatives.

Vice President

  1. Attend the bi-weekly meetings of the Executive Committee;  
  2. Be available to assist the president with any of their duties;  
  3. Oversee events to help ensure they run smoothly. 

Treasurer (Vice President Finance) 

  1. Attend the bi-weekly meetings of the Executive Committee;  
  2. Join AMS CampusBase; 
  3. Complete the Treasurer Authorization process in a timely manner; 
  4. Write this AMS Club’s budget and aim to follow it; 
  5. Oversee all the financial activities of this AMS Club; 
  6. Keep this AMS Club out of a deficit, submit documents by their deadline, and  keep this account active by having at least one (1) transaction through this AMS  Club account every fiscal year; 
  7. Be accountable for all transactions made by this AMS Club; 
  8. Ensure this AMS Club does not use an external bank account; 
  9. Ensure all members complete the AMS Waiver Form for insurance liability protection; i. Act as one of the two Bookings Representatives and ensure there are sufficient funds in  this AMS Club’s account prior to renting any equipment from the AMS.

Vice President Internal 

  1. Arrange the bookings of and attend the bi-weekly meetings of the Executive Committee;  b. Provide a report of recent activities at the bi-weekly meetings, including all significant  information which affects the Association’s operations or its Membership; 
  2. Work with the rest of the Executive Committee in supporting their projects as well as  furthering the goals of the Association as a whole, in leadership, service, and representation;
  3. Maintain a good working relationship with our booking partners to arrange the bookings  of the Association’s events;  
  4. Manage and obtain any appropriate licensing needed for our events (i.e. liquor license  for the “Wine and Cheese Night”), while ensuring the Association follows the mandates  required of us;  
  5. Coordinate the Association’s social events at least once per academic semester with the  purpose of improving engagement and teamwork of the Executive Committee;  
  6. Coordinate the Association’s social events with VP Events to improve engagement with  the Association’s members and Executive committee;  
  7. Work in close relationship with the Treasurer to arrange promotional merchandise  orders such as, but not limited to, mugs, pens, and T-shirts. 

Vice President External 

  1. Attend the bi-weekly meetings of the Executive Committee;  
  2. Provide a report of recent activities at the bi-weekly meetings, including all significant  information which affects the Association’s operations or its Membership; 
  3. Work with the rest of the Executive Committee in supporting their projects as well as  furthering the goals of the Association as a whole, in leadership, service, and representation;
  4. Work in tandem with VP Sponsorship to represent the Association to other groups and  organizations, namely those relevant to the legal profession; 
  5. Build a strong network of contacts by growing existing relationships and fostering new  ones;  
  6. Implement and maintain branding guidelines to ensure high-quality branding is in place throughout the Association’s network, while closely working with VP Marketing;  g. Organize any events taking place outside of UBC, e.g. court visits.  

Vice President Sponsorship 

  1. Attend the bi-weekly meetings of the Executive Committee;  
  2. Provide a report of recent activities at the bi-weekly meetings, including all significant  information which affects the Association’s operations or its Membership; 
  3. Work with the rest of the Executive Committee in supporting their projects as well as  furthering the goals of the Association as a whole, in leadership, service, and representation;
  4. Work in tandem with VP External to represent the Association to other groups and  organizations, namely those relevant to the legal profession; 
  5. Build a strong network of contacts by growing existing relationships and fostering new  ones;  
  6. Implement and maintain branding guidelines to ensure high-quality branding is in place  throughout the Association’s network, while closely working with VP Marketing;  g. Acquire both monetary funding and non-monetary resources on and off campus that  will enhance the Association’s events and allow the Association to meet its financial  needs;  
  7. Work in close relationship with the Treasurer to ascertain the financial needs of the Association. 

Vice President Events 

  1. Attend bi-weekly meetings of Executive Council;  
  2. Organize logistics of all events which take place on UBC’s campus or over Zoom.

Vice President Marketing  

  1. Attend bi-weekly meetings of Executive Council; 
  2. Create and maintain a marketing strategy;  
  3. Create the graphics for posts on UBC Pre-Law social media platforms; 
  4. Post a minimum of 5 reminders for every event that UBC Pre-Law hosts 
  5. Communicate with other clubs for marketing strategy on collaborative events f. Keep the website up to date; 
  6. Make sure all events are photographed for future use; 
  7. Maintain and send Newsletter in conjunction with social media strategy. 

Vice President of Fundraising  

  1. Attend the bi-weekly meetings of the Executive Committee;  
  2. Work with the rest of the Executive Committee in supporting their projects as well as  furthering the goals of the Association as a whole, in leadership, service, and representation;
  3. Work in tandem with VP Sponsorship to secure funds for the Association’s events; d. Produce a general fundraising plan for the academic year; 
  4. Oversee the sale of UBC Pre-Law Association merchandise to our members;  f. Work in close relationship with the Treasurer to ascertain the financial needs of the  Association. 

Executive Assistants  

  1. Attend the bi-weekly meetings of the Executive Committee;  
  2. Work with the rest of the Executive Committee in supporting their projects as well as  furthering the goals of the Association as a whole, in leadership, service, and representation;
  3. Assist VP Internal with the organization of social events;  
  4. Be available to assist all other members of the Executive Committee with their duties. 

Bylaw 5: Electoral Procedures  

Club elections must: 

  1. be verifiable through documented vote counts or similar methods; 
  2. be conducted by voting with a secret ballot; and 
  3. be held by April 13th and the results submitted to the AMS Clubs Administrator with the  Club Renewal submission by the submission deadline. 

Only Active Members who purchased their membership by the date of our last event are eligible to vote.  

All Active Members of this AMS Club shall be eligible for executive positions. 

Elected Executive positions shall be voluntary and AMS Club Executives shall not receive honoraria or salary from this AMS Club for their Executive role. 

The removal of an Executive requires a quorate General Meeting to be held with a motion to  remove on the agenda 

The motion to remove must receive a two-thirds approval to pass, the Executive in question must receive at least two (2) weeks notice of a General Meeting with a motion to remove, and a motion to remove an Executive cannot be called from the floor.

Bylaw 6: Membership Fees 

Active membership fees shall be: $10.00 CAD.

Associate membership fees shall be at least one and a half times (1.5x) more than the Active membership fees: $15.00 CAD.

Bylaw 7: Membership Privileges 

Only Active Members of this AMS Club shall be eligible to vote, hold executive positions in the club, and sign club petitions.

Only Active Members of this AMS Club may attend its events without paying an entry fee (for non-members to attend events, there is a fee of $5).

Club-exclusive LSAT course discounts.